Fall 2021 (CU)
INFO 2131: Information Ecosystems
INFO 7000: Introduction to Doctoral Studies in Information Science

Spring 2021 (CU)
INFO 2131: Information Ecosystems

Fall 2020 (CU)
INFO 2131: Information Ecosystems
INFO 7000: Introduction to Doctoral Studies in Information Science

Spring 2020 (CU)
INFO 4871/5871: Investigations in Information4Good

Fall 2019 (CU)
INFO 7000: Introduction to Doctoral Studies in Information Science

Spring 2019 (CU)
INFO 6500: Information Science Seminar

Fall 2018 (CU)
CMCI 1010: Concepts and Creativity I, Information Module

Spring 2018 (CU)
CMCI 1020: Concepts and Creativity II, Information Module

Spring 2017 (CU)
CMCI 1020: Concepts and Creativity II, Information Module

Fall 2016 (CU)
INFO7000: Introduction to Doctoral Studies in Information Science  Creative Commons License

Spring 2015 (IUPUI)
I305: Introduction to Research in Informatics  Creative Commons License

Fall 2014 (IUPUI)
I590: Collaborative and Social Computing  Creative Commons License
H624: Advanced Seminar 1  Creative Commons License

Spring 2014 (IUPUI)
I590: Collaborative and Social Computing   Creative Commons License
I305: Introduction to Research in Informatics  Creative Commons License

Fall 2013 (IUPUI)
I305: Introduction to Research in Informatics   Creative Commons License

Spring 2013 (Cornell)
COMM/INFO 4940: Information and Communication Technologies Across Sectors of Society    Creative Commons License
COMM/INFO 6400: Research in Human-Computer Interaction Design

Fall 2012 (Cornell)
COMM/INFO 2450: Communication and Technology


